ENTR’ACTE (René Clair, 1924)

Let’s set aside whether it’s more Dada or Surreal. Is it so bizarre, really, it “could mean anything”? Do we think of René Clair in that way? Those who do not see that Entr’acte is a unified work of art are probably mistaking discontinuity—the origin of the Dada-or-Surrealism debate regarding the film—for disunity. Clair’s wonderful […]

UN CHIEN ANDALOU (Luis Buñuel, 1928)

A man (played by Luis Buñuel) sharpens a razor, walks out onto an upper-story balcony and, underneath the full moon, cuts straight across a seated, willing woman’s eyeball. Director Buñuel hated this idea of co-scenarist Salvador Dalí’s. Good.      The 17-minute film jumps ahead eight years and bounds sixteen years back. In a summary shot outdoors, […]